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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default "There is no such thing as an 'essential carbohydrate'" (was: Most easily overcooked foods...)

In article >,
"kilikini" > wrote:

> >> What job?

> >
> > TFM is a carpenter.
> > Works out in the hot sun, runs around, wields a hammer and a nail
> > gun...
> >
> > You know the drill.
> >
> > I've never known a fat carpenter.
> >

> Yep, he's a framer and a roofer and builds huge, multi-story houses. (One
> of his last houses actually had a movie theater built in, as well as a wine
> cellar and an elevator. Who has that kind of money????) Allan works
> outside in Florida where the air is so humid, you can actually *see* it. He
> drinks at least 2 gallons of water a day and one gallon of unsweet iced tea.
> I make him 4 egg omelettes for breakfast, I pack him up about 4 - 5 pieces
> of meat for him to eat during his 9:30 break for lunch he generally gets a
> pound of cheese and an 8-pack of fried chicken from the grocery store and
> his dinner is a big pile of steamed veggies and 3 or 4 more pieces of
> whatever meat we're cooking. Then he goes back for seconds.
> There's an all-you-can-eat Mongolian BBQ place we like to go to. I love it
> because I can fill my bowl up with fresh veggies and watch as the grill guy
> cooks them to a perfect al dente. I only eat the one bowl. My husband goes
> back for more at least 5 times and his bowls are PILED high. LOL. To be
> honest, I get a little bored sitting there watching him go back for more and
> more and more and more and more..... We go home and within an hour he's
> rummaging through the fridge again. I honestly don't know where he puts it.
> He's 6' tall and weighs about 188#. He's the kind of guy you don't want
> over for a dinner party because he'll look at the entire main course and
> ask, "What are *you* having?" :~)
> kili


Gods help him if he ever gets a sedentary job! ;-D
Peace, Om

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