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kilikini kilikini is offline
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Default White Cake Recipe

I need a favor from you guys and you always come through every time I ask,
so..... I'm askin'.

I'm supposed to help with the menu of my friend's daughter's 17th birthday
next month on the 23. They're planning on serving (ahem)......ready? (Keep
in mind, these are my friends who eat processed food and if it can't be
nuked, they won't eat it because they don't understand how to cook it.)

Frozen, pre-cooked meatballs with Hunts BBQ sauce.
Chips - premade onion dip
Oscar Meyer triangle ham sandwiches on wonder bread with mustard
Crudites with onion dip

I've offered to make the meatballs, I've offered to even make lasagna -
nope, they want the frozen pre-made meatballs and sandwiches.

In any case, the daughter wants a 3 tiered cake. That one, somehow, falls
to me because it's not covered under their government foodstamps because it
would be a special order. Amanda, the birthday girl, wants a white cake
with pink frosting. Does anyone have an excellent recipe for a white cake?
I need moist, delectable, finger-lickin' good. In other words, I have to
have something taste good at this party for 60 people! It must be a white
cake with pink icing.

Help me! Every time I've made a cake, it's come out dry. I need to make
this the highlight of the evening. Please. Please. I've got to do this
