Bourdain's comments on Next FN Star
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Bourdain's comments on Next FN Star
> On Jul 15, 1:16 am, Blair P. Houghton > wrote:
>> And you're enjoying what I'm doing to you?
> What are you doing to me, disagreeing? Why would that bother a normal
> person? Does everyone you know agree with everything you say and
> think? Not possible.
Then clearly Bourdain is (by your logic) an abnormal person.
Logic continues: And since there is no established "normal" person, it
follows that there can be no "abnormal" person. That means either that
Bourdain is by necessity not abnormal, or that he does not in fact exist
at all. You decide.
>> I bet you still love me, though.
> ??? How does one love a person he's never heard of?
You've heard of Blair. You read his posts here, so you know of him. What
you haven't done is meet him, just as you haven't met Bourdain. But
you've heard of Bourdain, obviously. It's unlikely that you would love
either Bourdain or Blair just because you've heard of them -- you would
have to actually interact with them on a personal level for that. For
the same reason, it's just as unlikely that you would hate them. So what
drives your hatred of Bourdain, a man you've heard of but never met?
> Anyway, your anger at not agreeing with me is disturbing.
He's flagellating himself right now for not agreeing with you.
<actually, he likes it, so don't congratulate yourself>
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