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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Knives: Wusthof?

On Sun, 15 Jul 2007 19:58:29 -0700, Dee Dee >

>My hands are not strong, so I really like Sabatier. I would like to
>have a few high carbon steel (not carbon steel ss) myself, but have
>not made up my mind which one to buy.
>I've also bought from and they do have or they are on
>back order or did have the Sabatier high carbon.
>Dee Dee

Thanks, Dee Dee

I love Sabatier. Really, really, really love them. They aren't the
most popular of knives these days, but they fit my hands well.

I first read about them years and years ago from Madeline Kamman. She
talks about her first Sabatier that she got from her aunt, who was a
well known restaranteur in France. Fortunately, I had already gotten
one or two, and I found some more when I was living in the DC area
then. I found a store that had the high carbon steel
fantastic prices. I wish I had gotten more then. They have lasted
and lasted. Discolored, yes... But such a sharp edge.

I still like the idea of the Wusthof Classic Wide knife. I might even
one. But I think I will order another Sabatier for myself from
Fantes. They have what I want...and I have been looking for some
time. Most places that advertise Sabatier don't have more than the
ham slicer. I know..I have been looking. And they don't have the
high carbon steel.
