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Daniel W. Rouse Jr. Daniel W. Rouse Jr. is offline
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Posts: 82
Default Sticking ice cubes

"Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message
.. .
> brushfire wrote:
> > I bought some new (cheap) ice cube trays, and the cubes tend to
> > stick in the trays. What is the secret to non-sticking ice
> > cubes?!? Is it more expensive trays? Is it the water? I use
> > tap water, which is very good where I live, but it has a pH of
> > about 8.2, so a bit hard.

> I fought this for years; I was always trying different designs and
> makes. I'd too frequently break trays, twisting them to try and get
> the cubes to break loose. Then I picked up some Rubbermaid trays,
> and they're super -- no more sticking, little effort needed to
> release the cubes. I don't have a model number, but they're white
> and the plastic feels a little thicker than the others I'd tried.
> They were, IIRC, three bucks apiece, and I know I got them at BB&B.

I have a white Rubbermaid ice cube tray that has the following numbers on
on the opposite side of the Rubbermaid logo, bottom side of the tray...

2867 5 F

....if that actually means anything in terms of a model number or part

Either way, all of the ice cubes can easily be removed after just slightly
twisting the ends of the tray in opposite directions, then shaking the tray