Blood on _his_ hands
maxine in ri said...
> My DH, the energizer bunny, was home alone Saturday afternoon while DD
> was at the mall (where else do teens ever go?) and I was checking up
> on my Mom's house.
> We come back, and DD walks in the door after a trip to the hardware
> store, with a large bandage on his ring finger.
> "Y'know that kitchen knife I keep really, really, sharp?" he asks me
> after I just stared at his bandaged digit.
> More staring, so he continues "Well, I was slicing up some salad
> stuff, and it slipped. Good thing we live one block from the
> emergency clinic. By the way, the doctor told me not to get this wet,
> so you get to do the dishes."
> I had no problem with this, glad that my nearly beloved still has all
> his fingers. For his shower (don't get it wet, said the doctor) we
> wrapped his hand in a gallon storage bag.
> He did try to clean things up, but the places where blood flies when
> someone is panicking, are ingenious. Took me 2 hours to find it all
> and wipe it down.
> The stitches come out today. I'm debating what to do with the table
> saw downstairs....
> maxine in ri
That kind of goof isn't supposed to happen with a really, really sharp