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Joe Cilinceon Joe Cilinceon is offline
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Posts: 305
Default Knives: Wusthof?

"Christine Dabney" > wrote in message
> Hiya folks,
> Okay, I am on a buying spree.. I have been saving up my money..LOL
> I want a new chef's knife. I have read of some folks liking the
> Wusthof Classic Wide chef's knife.
> I want at least 10 inches. I have only one other 10 inch knife, and I
> think I could definitely use another one.
> I know the song and dance about trying them out to see how they feel.
> I will say first off, that Sabatier feels pretty good in my little
> hands, and I like my Henckels Santouko knife. That also feels pretty
> good.
> I have been around to various stores and looked at the knives, and I
> haven't tried them out yet. The folks were too busy at most of the
> stores, and I deferred testing them til later. I am talking about
> Wusthof knives here..the testing of them.
> Anyway, until I actually get to test them out maybe later this week,
> how do you all think that Wusthof knives do? And how well do they work
> with small hands? Are they usually too big and bulky?
> Or should I just try to find another hard to find Sabatier Au Carbone
> knife? I love the high carbon steel....
> Christine

Check out the following sites before buying a knife. $7 shipping for each order
not per knife from Japanese high end knives. 3 day delivery to US customs
and 2 days from there to you.

This place if you are on the West cost is located near Seattle, WA

For those in the New York area there is

All 3 are excellent to do business with as well as selling knives a lot
better than the typical soft steel German/French styles.

Joe Cilinceon