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blake murphy blake murphy is offline
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Default Red Pepper Jelly

On Sun, 15 Jul 2007 13:27:40 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:

>In article >,
> blake murphy > wrote:

>> so it sounds like he wants you to be pretty careful with keeping
>> things close to sterile when you jar the stuff. i'd be interested in
>> your comments, though, especially a pointer to instructions to set up
>> a one-time boiling water bath if one were decide to be virtuous.

>Boiling water bath: Large pot, deep enough to hold your jars + an inch
>of water above the jar + an inch or two for boiling room. I've several
>kettles that will do the job. The one I am mostly using is a Revere
>Ware (I think -- might be Farber) pot that's maybe 15" high. I can put
>7 regular-mouth jars in it on one level. If I have more than that, I
>put a rack on top of the jars before putting more jars in. Stacking
>doesn't give me as much bubbling room as it should but I do it anyway
>(the truth is out).

it doesn't matter if the jars rest directly on the bottom of the pan?
i.e., without a rack of some kind?

your pal,