Thread: spices..
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Default spices..

Frogleg > wrote in message >. ..
> On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 22:33:47 -0400, "Steph G.B" >
> wrote:
> >winter is coming, and i finally decided the spices i had on my balcony had
> >had enough.. the Purple basil died a while ago, but the other ones (Garlic
> >Chives, oregano, thyme) are all fine..
> >
> >What is the best thing to do? freeze them? dry them? it's my first year
> >with spices, i have no idea what to do

> You don't mention where you are. Oregano and thyme are perennials in
> most US climate zones. Oregano tends to die down over the winter, but
> returns. Thyme doesn't grow much, but survives and leaves can be
> picked and used. Not sure about garlic chives -- regular chives are
> also perennials and will survive/return.
> I would chop, bag, & freeze some garlic chives, leaving the plant. Cut
> some oregano and dry (either the famous "cool, dry space" or lay out
> on a paper towel on the dashboard of a car in the sun). You could also
> dry some thyme, or hope for winter viability.

frogleg just got added to my list of "favorite posters". ;-)

Recommendations for freezing fresh herbs are to freeze them inside of
ice-cubes for good preservation.

Any other suggestions next to drying?
