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Tara Tara is offline
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Default Another Sad Commentary on Why Kids are Fat

On Sun, 15 Jul 2007 20:01:38 -0500, "Ms P" >

>Youngest sons very most favorite thing was canned carrots, straight from the
>can. He could eat a whole can all by himself.

My little guys (aged two and a half) love canned carrots, too. They
will eat a whole big can between them. They also love canned peas and
canned French cut green beans. I hate canned veggies, but they love
them. They'll eat baby carrots, too, but they love the canned version

They have had maybe a half dozen chicken nugget Happy Meals in their
life. They probably had their first of those around the age of one.
It's a treat for them and I get to steal the toys for my prize box at
school. If I want to feel virtuous, I get one with apples and one
with fries and divide the sides between them.

Yesterday afternoon, anyone who saw my family out could have written a
post about the two little boys scarfing down tortilla chips and cheese
quesadillas at the Mexican restaurant.

They are in the 80th percentile for height and the 30th percentile for
weight. You can see their ribs and backbone. They eat all day long
and never sit down.
