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The Joneses[_1_] The Joneses[_1_] is offline
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Default Bread & Butter Pickles - WIP

"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
>I picked up $8 worth of cukes at the farmers market (locally grown,
> Ellen. :-) for transforming into Rob's B&B pickles. HOLY CRAP,
> Batman! The guy I bought my half peck from was selling a bushel of
> small pickling cukes for $60. SIX-ZERO dollars.
> I'm slightly annoyed with myself for buying mine from him because, 1) I
> don't like the guy but didn't have time to peruse the whole place due to
> time constraints, and 2) some sweet teens were selling theirs (more
> perfectly sized for my used than what I bought) for $2 a box and $6 or
> $8 would have gotten me at least as much as what I paid the guy I did
> buy from. Oh, well. Maybe next week. . . . I'm thinking I'll put up
> some half pint jars of them, too, for gifts. Then I won't have Rob's,
> "Hey! Quit giving away my pickles!" LOL!

Fatherless creeps. I bought my special order cukes (about 20#) at $1.39/lb.
They just don't grow so good down here. I cannot get anyone to pick them
small. Because they sell by the pound, you see.
I add whole pearl onions to my B&B pickles. I like they way they look.