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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default About that birthday cake ...

Felice Friese wrote:
> "kilikini" wrote:
>> Well, in any case, I'm meeting with them tomorrow to discuss details.
>> They've added white chocolate fondue and ham roll ups to the menu.
>> More work for me!
>> kili

> Christy, for Heaven's sake, who are these "friends" who are putting
> all these demands on you? Do they understand your present physical
> limitations?

Not to mention monetary ones, since they seemed perfectly willing to let her
pay for the ingredients to make the cake even though their food stamps will
cover the cost of them. Food stamps won't cover a bakery cake, but it
certainly will cover ingredients for either a cake from scratch or boxed
mixes. They seemed to have conveniently forgotten to offer to pay for that.

> You offered to help with the menu but they turned down your offer to
> do meatballs and/or lasagna. You offered to make a white birthday
> cake with pink frosting for 60 people. You planned to make a few
> recipes for them to try. And now they want three tiers with icing to
> look like ribbons and bows!

Nutso for a teenage birthday party.

> If you are "getting frustrated because they're calling me up on the
> hour, changing their minds about menus and such" it's time to blow
> the whistle! These "friends" seem to be pushing you to see how far
> you will go. STOP!

Or how far they can take advantage of you. Yes, STOP. Just say NO.

> Make three round layers from cake mix, trim them to make 10-inch,
> 8-inch and 6-inch layers. Stack them on top of each other.

And don't worry about professional "tiers" (i.e. layers standing on
'stilts'). This isn't a wedding cake.

> Frost with
> homemade frosting if you feel up to it, or canned frosting if you
> don't. If you can pipe ribbons with a tube of frosting, go to it;
> otherwise decorate it with purchased pink cake doo-dads or perhaps
> fresh flowers. It will be lovely!
> Sorry if I sound like a scold. The scolding is directed at those who
> seem to be taking advantage of you.
> Felice

My scolding is directed at both parties. They need to stop trying to take
advantage of Christy and Christy needs to tell them to cut it out.
