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[email protected] is offline
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Default Jalapeno Conspiracy

Jack Schmidling wrote:
> What has happened to jalapeno peppers?
> The ones in the supermarket more often than not taste like bell peppers.
> I have noticed this over the past few years and it seems to be getting
> worse with time. We used to get a dudd now and then but now we rarely
> find a hot one.
> The solution of course, is to grow them ourselves. Well guess what?
> The ones from the garden shops have the same problem so we started
> growing our own from seed. Well, guess what again?
> This year's jalapenos grown from seeds advertised as hot are perfectly
> sweet. We sampled three different plants from different areas of the
> garden and they are all the same.
> Any thoughts?
> js

I've said over the past few years that the jalapeņos taste like
concentrated Bell peppers.

My friend agrees

I like them for substituting green peppers for taste, a little goes a
long way in cooking but
it's missing something. The jalapeņo taste.

I believe it is a conspiracy.