jmcquown wrote:
> I didn't buy this, but while at the dollar store today I saw a contraption
> for cooking spaghetti. It looked like a blender container with strainer
> holes on the lid. Allegedly you put the spaghetti in this (standing on
> end), add boiling water. Let it sit for 5-7 minutes, then drain it through
> the lid. Looks like one of those things you'd buy and later wonder "Was I
> on drugs?" You can cook pasta in a pan the same way - add to boiling water,
> then take it off the stove and let it sit - so why buy another "thing" for
> this?
> Jill
Someone actually told me about this quite seriously. You would end up
with re-hydrated spaghetti, not cooked spaghetti. I have no idea if
re-hydrated wheat can be digested or not. I don't want to know, really,
because I can assure you that even if it re-hydrates spaghetti, it won't
do it for all the other shapes of pasta one uses.
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