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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default "I must've been on drugs!!! kitch stuff.

Giusi said...

> Andy wrote:
>> jmcquown said...

>>>>> So, are you saying you have a pasta press and make it actually from
>>>>> scratch?!
>>>> Why yes! Yes I am! I do it all from scratch, with help from the KA
>>>> mixer and pasta attachments.
>>>> Spaghetti, linguine, fettuccine and ravioli.
>>>> That AND scratch pesto to adorn it.
>>>> You think I just hang around r.f.c for my health??? Not obviously!!!
>>>> <VBG>
>>>> Andy
>>> Sorry, luv, wasn't apparent to me I don't make pasta from scratch,

>> nor
>>> bread nor pie crusts.

>> I could always swing by and mess up YOUR kitchen!
>> Andy

> The only thing messy about making a small amount of egg pasta (100 g of
> flour) is grating the cheese. I don't use a big ole machine, but do use
> an Atlas roller. Lil mound of flour, pinch of salt, an egg, and foof
> around with the hands until it is sleek and smooth. Roll out, cook.
> 10-15 minutes from conception to ingestion.


I make a family batch for one! My first try I took a tennisball sized hunk
of dough and eventually worked it into probably a 10-foot sheet. It was
hilarious. I dusted flour over it and everything to prevent it from
sticking together. I smartened up real quick to golfball sized hunks for
about 3-foot sheets.

I run a string across the kitchen and use plastic coat hangers to hang
sheets and finished pasta from.

An AndyBatch probably takes an hour, including about 15 minutes of dough

Here's a plate of some of my finest...

"Mr. Linguine"