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Chatty Cathy Chatty Cathy is offline
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Default (2007-07-17) Special Survey: The Ranger's (OT) parenting posts

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> Chatty Cathy > wrote:
>> No worries Om, I've done it for you
>> You know the drill:

> But even that doesn't mean much, I think. I'll bet there are plenty of
> regular readers and posters who read and post regularly and frequently
> who don't ever participate in the polls.

I don't dispute that. Voting is purely voluntary. Same as posting here.
Some people do it, some don't <shrug>

FWIW, I like reading The Ranger's "parenting" posts. But I have children
too, so I can relate. Obviously his posts are not everybody's "cup of
tea", so be it. As for how I feel about OT posts in general - I find
some of them good, and some of them bad - which is no different from how
I feel about the *ON topic* posts here. I read and/or post to the ones
that interest me, and bypass the ones that don't. No big deal.

However, what does annoy me is all the harping on about "too many OT
posts". IMHO, it just draws *more* attention to them. I have noticed
that whenever the whining volume about them goes up, the OT threads seem
to *increase* (human nature, "Don't tell me what I can or cannot do" -
simple as that) and therefore so does the whining - it's a vicious

Chatty Cathy