Thread: Dinner tonight
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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default Dinner tonight

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Puester > wrote:

> Our air conditioner died Sunday. The furnace fan is dead, not worth
> replacing on a 33 yr. old furnace. We have a satisfactory estimate for
> replacing the furnace and heat exchanger but the earliest anyone can
> install is next Tuesday. Most companies I called wouldn't even commit
> to a schedule to look at repairs. It's currently 96 deg. outdoors and 92
> indoors despite keeping all the windows open overnight and closing the
> house up this AM. We have a guest in the house all week, here on
> business. Everyone is on a diet. Whine.

You have my empathy! Last time I replaced an entire central A/C and
heating system (including duct work), it cost me $2,250. My tax return
covered it so I was able to get it done in cooler weather...

> Tonight's dinner:
> A platter of curried chicken salad with pineapple, grapes, and toasted
> slivered almonds; cut up mango, red and yellow peppers, sliced avocado,
> sliced fresh peaches.
> Caprese salad

I have SO got to make one of those for a potluck! ;-d
Preferably with 'maters from the farmers market.

> Croissants
> Dessert: cantaloupe balls and blueberries with sherbet
> It's so hot!!!! (Have I mentioned that?)
> gloria p

I understand... :-(
Peace, Om

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