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Puester Puester is offline
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Default About that birthday cake ...

Felice Friese wrote:
> "kilikini" > wrote in message
> ...
> <skip Felice's rant>
>> No, you're right, Felice. I'm such a pushover. I can never say no when
>> someone asks. This drives my husband nuts to absolutely no end, too. I
>> just feel inclined to help because these people are so clueless about how
>> to prepare food and I hate serving bad food.

People can become very clueless when they want someone else to do the
work and pay the bill. I can't believe the nerve of your "friends".
Inviting 60 people and asking someone else to do the work and pay for
the party? Nuh uh. That's outrageous.

Tell the teen that the "cake I want" will make her a very nice wedding
cake some day, but this is JUST a birthday and she should save the photo
for her wedding caterer. I hope that won't be you.

I know you want to be the ultimate People Pleaser, but you don't seem to
realize how much it will cost you physically, emotionally, and
financially, and I don't believe you have much excess in any of those areas.

There's an old saying that goes something like "Cut your dress to fit
your cloth." That's very good advice for your friends.

gloria p