Thread: Dinner tonight
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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default Dinner tonight

Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:

> Lately I've been doing a lot of snacky type dinners and putting them on
> the coffee table in the den. I'll snack on crudite, different sausages,
> cheeses and fruit. I'll read or watch movies. Some nights it's about all
> I can muster up because I'm so tired. Horseback riding in this weather
> can really sap your energy level so I try to ride early in the morning
> and I'm usually in the garden or supervising the building contractors the
> rest of the afternoon or I'm out and about doing other things. Seems
> like the summer is going by really fast.

Well, it's not as hot as it might be; the old folks living in those
brick ovens in the city haven't started to die yet. Still, it's time to
start checking in with the elders and the infirm. Once the temp rises
past a certain point, fans do more harm than good by directing a
dehydrating blast of hot air past sweaty skin.

Even so right now light yard work is so debilitating and bike rides have
to be slotted at dawn to avoid the heat and the ozone. By noon you can
taste the air on the back of your tongue, feel the UV shriveling your
skin, at which point it's time to bring all people and pets inside where
there's A/C.