Thread: Cooking & Salt
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Default Cooking & Salt

Giusi wrote:

> Ms P wrote:
> >
> >"The Joneses" > wrote in message

> . net...
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > I hate it when people salt food at my table without tasting
> > > first. I purely want to pinch their noses 'til they bleed.
> > > Edrena
> > >

> >
> > Why does it offend you so when people eat their food the way they
> > like it???? It's not like they salted your food.

> Because like Ms P I make the food as perfect as I can and if they
> don't even taste it before salting I might as well have opened a can
> of dogfood for them. I rarely put salt on the table nowadays. If
> someone asks for it before tasting, I do not invite them back.

Sorry, but that's dumb. People have different tolerance levels of salt.
Those that habitually use a lot KNOW that you didn't make it their
taste because most others wouldn't eat it.

As Ms P, why do you care? It's not like they salted and then refused to
eat it because it was too salty. Obviously, they were right in salting
it. So you didn't make it to their taste. They saved time and a wasted
taste of food that they wouldn't like.

Stop making hosting about YOU. Make it about your guests and you'll
have a better time.


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