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Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] is offline
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Default OT Movies That Shaped Your Life

cybercat wrote:

> "George" > wrote in message
> ...
>>cybercat wrote:
>>>"George" > wrote
>>>>>I walked out of the theatre in the first few minutes, when it was all
>>>>>bullets slamming into meat. If you can't tell me something without
>>>>>that, you can keep it to yourself.
>>>>From everything I read it was a faithful portrayal of actual events
>>>>and was necessary to tell the story.
>>>Like everyone does not know that war entails bullets slamming into
>>>human meat? What kind of idiot needs several minutes of nothing but
>>>the sight and sound of that?

>>Considering the duration of the actual landing I would say the movie only
>>offers a "tease" of what it was like to be there.

> That was not my point, but Okay. My father was a marine in the Pacific
> Theater, and I am sure you are right.
> I still don't need or appreciate movies that bludgeon me instead of just
> conveying a point or portraying a scene without overkill. Life is too
> short.

I feel there is enough drama and tragedy in "real life" i don't need to
watch it for entertainment, don't even get me started on "reality t.v."
and hells kitchen? well...i guess i am lucky in that i have never had a
job with a boss like that, though i did go through military "boot camp"
which is what the do called chief Ramsy reminds me of, a Marine DI
rather than a cook.

I worked as a bartender once, and the owner of the bar started talking
to me like that and i threw my bar rag on the table and walked out after
telling him exactly how he could and could not speak to me. I would
take a lot more from a customer than i would from a boss.

Some of the few dramatic films i have seen recently that i actually
enjoyed are the Kenneth Brannaugh (sp?) interpretations of Shakespeare's
plays. I especially enjoyed the naked rugby scenes in his early Edward II.