Foodie in Training
On Jul 12, 8:48 am, "KW" <keith_warrennospamatallteldotnet> wrote:
> I was asked by our Youth Minister to make a cheesecake for a mission trip
> fundraiser this weekend. Wilson, my oldest (12) has recently taken a keen
> interest in all things cooking related.....don't even ask just how many
> scrambled egg sandwiches a pre-teen can eat per day when they learn how easy
> it is to make themselves....<boggles the mind> !
> When he asked to help (since the fundraiser *is* for his group), I thought
> it would be a great learning experience for him. I gave him the recipe and
> answered all his questions, but this was his project from start to finish
> <he did ask for assistance with the flavor fusion *swirl*>
> White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake with Pecan Sandie Crust
> <Recipe to follow upon request>
> Pic on a.b.f.
> KW
> Proverbs 22:6
Please share the recipe! That is EXACTLY what my Pecan Sandie
addiction has been wanting to make.