jmcquown wrote:
> Andy wrote:
>> jmcquown said...
>>> Andy wrote:
>>>> Giusi said...
>>>>> Life is messy,
>>>>> life in the kitchen is hot, rescue pasta from the restaurants!
>>>> Making fresh pasta is my absolute favorite kitchen mess!
>>>> Andy
>>>> "Mr. Linguine"
>>> So, are you saying you have a pasta press and make it actually from
>>> scratch?!
>> Why yes! Yes I am! I do it all from scratch, with help from the KA
>> mixer and pasta attachments.
>> Spaghetti, linguine, fettuccine and ravioli.
>> That AND scratch pesto to adorn it.
>> You think I just hang around r.f.c for my health??? Not obviously!!!
>> <VBG>
>> Andy
> Sorry, luv, wasn't apparent to me
I don't make pasta from
> scratch, nor bread nor pie crusts.
Did I say I don't have room for making pasta? No, I didn't. But the fact
is I don't WANT to make pasta from scratch. Nor bread, anymore. Used to..
Been there, done that. I was replying to Andy about Kitchen stuff, not
stuff I will or won't do in my middle age.