Thread: Apricot Pilaf
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Karen AKA Kajikit Karen AKA Kajikit is offline
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Posts: 707
Default Apricot Pilaf

On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 17:33:52 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:

>In article >,
> Karen AKA Kajikit > wrote:
>> I saw an apricot/pistachio pilaf on a tv cooking show ages ago, and it
>> sounded like something we'd enjoy... so I decided to make it today. I
>> couldn't find the recipe for love or money, so I looked at all the
>> different pilaf's I could find and made a composite...
>> I used one cup long-grain rice, one can chicken stock, 1/2 cup diced
>> fruit, a cinnamon stick, turmeric and paprika, and an onion. I sauteed
>> the onion and cinnamon and then added the rice and cooked it for a
>> bit, then I put in the stock and fruit and turned the pan down to low
>> and left it sitting there for half an hour, then I turned the heat off
>> and left it for another 20 minutes.
>> When I opened the pan up to check, virtually all the liquid was gone,
>> but the rice was still crunchy! What did I do wrong?! Anybody got a
>> real recipe?

>Uh -- not enough stock, I'd venture to say.
>One part rice to two parts liquid is the way I learned to cook rice,
>Karen. How much is "one can chicken stock"? Dried fruit? That
>would absorb some of the liquid, too, depriving the rice of its due.
>Is it salvageable? Just some thoughts. I'll be watching to see what
>others have to say.

I microwaved it with extra water and it turned out okay in the end...
I should have rehydrated the apricots before I added them to the pan,
because they sucked up a lot of the chicken stock and didn't leave
enough for the rice...