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SkySkum SkySkum is offline
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Default White Cake Recipe

On Jul 16, 11:54 am, "kilikini" > wrote:
> I need a favor from you guys and you always come through every time I ask,
> so..... I'm askin'.
> I'm supposed to help with the menu of my friend's daughter's 17th birthday
> next month on the 23. They're planning on serving (ahem)......ready? (Keep
> in mind, these are my friends who eat processed food and if it can't be
> nuked, they won't eat it because they don't understand how to cook it.)
> Frozen, pre-cooked meatballs with Hunts BBQ sauce.
> Chips - premade onion dip
> Oscar Meyer triangle ham sandwiches on wonder bread with mustard
> Crudites with onion dip
> I've offered to make the meatballs, I've offered to even make lasagna -
> nope, they want the frozen pre-made meatballs and sandwiches.
> In any case, the daughter wants a 3 tiered cake. That one, somehow, falls
> to me because it's not covered under their government foodstamps because it
> would be a special order. Amanda, the birthday girl, wants a white cake
> with pink frosting. Does anyone have an excellent recipe for a white cake?
> I need moist, delectable, finger-lickin' good. In other words, I have to
> have something taste good at this party for 60 people! It must be a white
> cake with pink icing.
> Help me! Every time I've made a cake, it's come out dry. I need to make
> this the highlight of the evening. Please. Please. I've got to do this
> right.
> kili

Hi Christy, Just saw this one while I'm at 'work'.

If you haven't already settled on a recipe, try a white chocolate mud
cake. They're *always* moist!!
