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kilikini kilikini is offline
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Default White Cake Recipe

jmcquown wrote:
> kilikini wrote:
>> JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
>>> "kilikini" > wrote in message

> All you're after here is attention, Christy. No one has to say you
> shouldn't buy the ingredients and make this stupid cake. No one says
> you have to make anything for a friggin birtday party. Know what?
> Damsel was right. I'm not your friend. I'm not her friend either,
> for that matter. I don't remain friends wiith people who let
> themselves be STEPPED ON and WALKED OVER constantly. Sorry, my
> friends have a back-bone. My friends have spines. My friends know
> how to say NO. And the answer to this ridiculous birthday party
> situation is NO. Period.
> Jill

I have no idea where you're coming from on this one, Jill. I offered to
make a cake and I asked the group for a moist recipe. My friends are
turning the party into a fiasco - you don't know my friends. They're the
only friends I have locally, so as much as they drive me crazy, I'll keep
them. The larger the party got, and I felt a little overwhelmed, I vented
to the group and gave out a few details.

*Your* friends have a backbone? I guess I'm not your friend and haven't
been for about 5 years.

Some people are just nice, Jill. If the world was filled with more people
who concerned themselves with others, we wouldn't have the violent trouble
we're having today. Perhaps you should watch an old Andy Griffith episode.
