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enigma[_2_] enigma[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 639
Default Another Sad Commentary on Why Kids are Fat

Tara > wrote in

> On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 17:13:52 -0600, Pennyaline
> > wrote:
>>Are you sure that the apples are "dioxide treated" to
>>prevent them turning brown? Carbon dioxide or chlorine
>>dioxide are used to forestall rotting during shipment, but
>>not to prevent browning once prepared. MEAT is treated with
>>carbon MON-oxide to preserve its red color and prevent
>>Prepared fruits and vegetables are commonly treated with
>>acids to prevent browning, and it's a very old practice
>>quite well accepted.

> According to the McDonald's website, the apple slices
> contain:
> " Apples, calcium ascorbate (a blend of calcium and vitamin
> C) to maintain freshness and color."

and, unless they're actually cutting the apples there (which i
know they aren't) they contain N-acetyl-L-cysteine and salt.