Thread: Rare steak
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JoeSpareBedroom JoeSpareBedroom is offline
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Default Rare steak

"Joe Cilinceon" > wrote in message
> "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "PeterLucas" > wrote in message
>> 0.25...
>>> Scott > wrote in
>>> :
>>>> When a steak is cook rare or medium rare isn't the pink meat in the
>>>> middle not good for you since it appears to be not fully cook? That's
>>>> one of the reasons I always order my steaks well-done. And if they
>>>> bring
>>>> it to me with pink in the middle I send it back.
>>> Before man found fire, and got to love that chargrilled taste, we used
>>> to
>>> eat the meat raw.
>>> Unless you have a rare steak in England (think Mad Cow Disease)...
>>> anywhere
>>> else is fine.

>> Normal cooking heat does not dependably kill the prions which cause mad
>> cow disease. From what I've read, you'd have to incinerate the meat. My
>> mother cooked this way, but most people don't.

> It was my understanding from what I have read about mad cow disease is you
> don't tend to get it from mussel meats but from eating the organs such as
> kidneys, liver, brain, tongue etc. and I very well could be wrong on
> this.
> Joe Cilinceon

I just lost my appetite.