Thread: Popsicles!
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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default Popsicles!

On Jul 18, 10:14 pm, "jmcquown" > wrote:
> Okay, remember back when it was still freezing cold in the spring and I
> heard the ice cream man come driving around? It's hotter than Hades and no
> sign of him, nope, not a single chime from his bell not a single song from
> his truck. So while I was at the store yesterday I bought some popsicles..
> They are red, white and blue (cherry, blueberry and lemonade) and look like
> huge crayons. Ahhhhh, ice cold fake fruit flavour!
> I remember when my mom had these weird oval popsicle things made by
> Tupperware. She froze Kool-Aid in them and called them popsicles. They
> were good but not nearly as good as the real thing. <wink>
> Seen the ice cream man lately?
> Jill

Yup, their "Pop Goes the Weasel" tinky-tune is beyond annoying. This
year, they've finally been forced to tone it down, though, so I can
just barely hear it through my A/C, closed-up house.

Banana popsicles are the BEST. I wish I could buy a whole box of
nothing but banana flavor.
