Thread: Cooking & Salt
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Default Cooking & Salt

On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 18:28:54 -0500, "Ms P" >

>"Giusi" > wrote in message
. ..
>> Ms P wrote:
>>> You make it perfect to *your* taste. Being offended because someone does
>>> not share *your* taste is.. Well, maybe you should get therapy.
>>> Ms P

>> If they don't taste first, there's no possibility that they'll know
>> whether it's perfect or not.
>> 1) I have had therapy
>> 2) they don't have to eat at my house, do they?
>> 3) I find your attitude a bit aggressive based on the therapy I have had.

>I find your attitude extremely controlling if you're going to demand that
>guests have to eat *their* food exactly the same way you do.
>It is possible to know before tasting that something needs more salt. It's
>called personal taste an experience.
>Ms P

we've had this discussion here before. while a case can be made for
tasting before salting, if *every single time* a certain item needs
more salt, it becomes tiresome to test it all the time.

it also depends on who is doing the cooking. in some high-tone
joints, it might be well to see if the cook knows what he's doing
first. but i wouldn't be concerned about his feelings if it turned
out the *pommes frites* needed a shake or two.

(i still think the tale of the i.b.m. interviewer or whoever it was
rejected all candidates who salted before tasting was an idiot. what
if they smoked cigarettes or something?) (yes, i know cigarette
smokers are currently to be reviled under all circumstances, but

your pal,