Google treats Deja-News (Google Groups) like
"Blinky the Shark" > wrote
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> Is it something I am doing wrong? I tried to find my recipe,
>> such as it is, for chicken cacchiatore and cannot. Then I noticed
>> any results I got in all my ways of searching for it were only in the
>> last year or two.
>> Does Google Groups still have older posts? Or am I just really
>> confused.
> I just pulled up some stuff from 1981 via GG. That's where their
> advanced search date parameters begin.
Thanks. I'm sure the more annoyed I became, the more likely
I was doing something wrong. When I couldn't find any reference
to the word water between 81 and 2005, I decide to stop irritating
Heh. The cacciatore by any spelling turned out fine anyway.