which is worse with eggs?
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Posts: 32
which is worse with eggs?
>On Jul 18, 11:27 am, blAndy > wrote:
>> Maple Syrup, or jelly?
>> Subquestion: does it matter which kind of jelly or are they all equally
>> bad?
>> I will give my answer later; I don't want to bias the results. :-D
>Do you mean to suggest that there is ANY food which cannot in some way
>be combined with egg (at least egg yolk) to end up with something
I didn't mean to suggest it but your whimsically obtuse observation
brought a chuckle to my otherwise dreary day.
>Eggs are part of pancakes and waffles, right?
You are correct, Sir! Unless they are vegan.
>You should be gently poked in the chest with the Julia Child Action
I don't think that would help.
As promised I will now reveal my preference. Jelly is worse, and yes
it does matter. Trader Joes' Apricot/peach spread is a better (less bad)
egg contaminant than grape jelly, which is awful enough on its own.
Maple syrup has a certain heartiness that jelly lacks which makes it
capable of standing up to eggs, even after they've been liberally salted
and peppered.
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