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kilikini kilikini is offline
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Default White Cake Recipe

jmcquown wrote:
> kilikini wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> kilikini wrote:
>>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> kilikini wrote:
>>>>>> JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
>>>>>>> "kilikini" > wrote in message
>>>>> All you're after here is attention, Christy. No one has to say
>>>>> you shouldn't buy the ingredients and make this stupid cake. No
>>>>> one says you have to make anything for a friggin birtday party.
>>>>> Know what? Damsel was right. I'm not your friend. I'm not her
>>>>> friend either, for that matter. I don't remain friends wiith
>>>>> people who let themselves be STEPPED ON and WALKED OVER
>>>>> constantly. Sorry, my friends have a back-bone. My friends have
>>>>> spines. My friends know how to say NO. And the answer to this
>>>>> ridiculous birthday party situation is NO. Period.
>>>>> Jill
>>>> I have no idea where you're coming from on this one, Jill. I
>>>> offered to make a cake and I asked the group for a moist recipe.
>>>> My friends are turning the party into a fiasco - you don't know my
>>>> friends. They're the only friends I have locally, so as much as
>>>> they drive me crazy, I'll keep them. The larger the party got, and
>>>> I felt a little overwhelmed, I vented to the group and gave out a
>>>> few details.
>>> Ask a few people in the chat channel what they think about all this
>>> drama, Christy. No one would let themselves be cornered into making
>>> a fancy tiered cake like this for a 17 year old. Now ham rollups?
>>> What's next? And did they once offer to pay for any of this? JUST
>>> SAY NO. Fer crying out loud.

>> Jill, I'm paying for the CAKE, the CAKE! They just want my help on
>> the other ingredients. The CAKE was my gift.
>> kili

> And you want to give this girl a cake because she's done exactly WHAT
> for you?

She's been cleaning my bathroom for me. I still can't scrub my tub.
