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Tony23[_2_] Tony23[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 37
Default Reminder: New Mexico Cook-in !!!

Arri London wrote:
> Tony23 wrote:
>>> On Jul 16, 7:12 pm, Christine Dabney > wrote:
>>>>> Heya folks,
>>>>> Just a reminder that the upcoming New Mexico Cook-in is only a month
>>>>> and a half away now. If you want to come to it, let me know.
>>>>> I set up a small mailing list on yahoo so that the logistics can be
>>>>> planned. It's probably not the best solution, but it works..
>>>>> We can also talk about it here on rfc, but I thought that the
>>>>> logistics would be better off list...
>>>>> Hoping to see more of you here!!!

>> Damn, wish I could go. Would love to have some proper Enchiladas (flat
>> with a fried egg) made with some proper FRESH New Mexico chile.

> You could make your own you know! Fresh NM chiles aren't in yet.

I do, on a regular basis. My father was born & raised in Tucumcari, and
it was one of his favorites, so I grew up on them - with PROPER New
Mexico chile (They would go to NM once a year and buy a truckload,
fresh, dried, and powdered).

I used to buy the crap they call NM Chile in California Grocery stores,
but it was never quite the same. Then I found a place in Albuquerque
that does mail-order. MUCH better. Now, my enchiladas actually have
flavor and some kick, too