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Joe Duffy Joe Duffy is offline
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Posts: 15
Default what type of knife

In article >,
Steve Wertz > wrote:
>On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 16:46:58 -0400, cavemanxwtdjw954823jcjk
>> My inexpensive chef's knife (the kind with lots of tiny serrations) works
>> fine for what I use it for (mostly cutting raw things into smaller pieces so
>> they cook fast). If I bought a better quality chef's knife what differences
>> would I notice? What can the hundred dollar knives do better?

>It sounds like you just need anything but what you have now. Go
>to Target and get a stamped Henckles Santoku for ~$20. Bite the

That will be the equivalent of the inexpensive chef's
knife that he already has.
What $80-$120 will get you, is a knife with heft and
balance, and the blade will not bend every time you
cut something firm like carrots, etc.
FWIW, we have a fairly expensive Santoku made by
Wusthof, which was given to us for Christmas.
The blade is much too flexible for me, and the balance
is pathetic.
The choice:
The value choice:
