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Default Restaurant critic peeves

On Jul 20, 8:50 pm, "Zippy P" > wrote:
> > Another time, a reviewer described an undercooked potato as being
> > overcooked. I've gone to these places and found the opposite of the
> > food critic's opinion to be true.

> Couldn't it have been one way when they went and another way when you went?
> I don't understand.

No, because the restaurants/steak houses didn't advertise aged beef,
which would have been a good selling point.
The critics just made it up.

I'm aware of day to day differences in food quality, staff, and
management. I'm writing about food critics who can't tell the
difference between frozen french fries and fresh and who think that
fish has no flavor until it's at least a day old. (I've read that,
too. My 85 year-old mother can smell the difference 10 feet away, why
can't they)?

If they have no taste buds, they have no business becoming food