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Pete C. Pete C. is offline
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Default What I made for Dinner last night

Karen AKA Kajikit wrote:
> I just read the NYT article '101 easy dinners' (or whatever it was
> called) and it pointed out one of my blindspots - I like dinner
> salads, but it's never occurred to me to use anything other than
> grilled chicken and eggs for the protein... so last night I made a
> grilled pork salad.

Ok, here is one for you...

Take anywhere from 5-12 shrimp depending on size, defrost if nesc. (I
always stock frozen raw shrimp) and peel. Seed and dice about half a
tomato and put in salad bowl along with chopped or torn lettuce.

In a sauté pan put about 4 tbs. of olive oil, a half tsp. of oregano,
half tsp. of basil, quarter tsp. garlic powder, pinch of salt, pinch of
sugar and a good grind of black pepper. Heat on medium heat for a minute
or two swirling pan to blend oil and seasonings.

Sauté shrimp on one side until the tops start to become opaque, then
turn over and sauté another minute or two. Remove shrimp from the sauté
pan and place on top of the salad. Put the pan back on the heat and
deglaze with red wine vinegar. Do *not* put your face over the pan while
deglazing unless you want to acid steam clean your lungs. Take the pan
off the heat and let it cool for a minute (I rest on a granite slab for
a minute) and then drizzle the warm dressing over the salad.

I make this frequently for lunch and have the routing down to the point
where I can make it in about 10 minute start to finish. You can add
other stuff like crumbled feta or gorgonzola or calamata or oil cured
olives, but I find just the basic lettuce-tomato-shrimp combo to be very
nice as is.

Pete C.