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PeterLucas[_4_] PeterLucas[_4_] is offline
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Default White Cake Recipe

"jmcquown" > wrote in

> kilikini wrote:
>> JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
>>> "kilikini" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
>>>>> "kilikini" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> I need a favor from you guys and you always come through every
>>>>>> time I ask, so..... I'm askin'.
>>>>>> I'm supposed to help with the menu of my friend's daughter's 17th
>>>>>> birthday next month on the 23. They're planning on serving
>>>>>> (ahem)......ready? (Keep
>>>>>> in mind, these are my friends who eat processed food and if it
>>>>>> can't be nuked, they won't eat it because they don't understand
>>>>>> how to cook it.)
>>>>>> Frozen, pre-cooked meatballs with Hunts BBQ sauce.
>>>>>> Chips - premade onion dip
>>>>>> Oscar Meyer triangle ham sandwiches on wonder bread with mustard
>>>>>> Crudites with onion dip
>>>>> Are these people shaped like tuna, or blimps?
>>>> Dual blimps.
>>>> kili
>>> How could you even have an appetite around them?
>>> You know what? I'm your long-lost uncle, and I just called to say
>>> I've been hospitalized with a broken hip, the doctors are driving me
>>> crazy, and I need a family member to be here as my advocate. I'm
>>> paying for your plane flight, lodging and food. It happens to be on
>>> the same day as the stupid birthday party.
>>> Jazz up the story as you see fit. Sounds like these morons will
>>> believe anything.

>> I'll go for that! Thanks for the "out", Joe!
>> kili

> Period.
> Jill

Do you have yours?

It sounds like it.

Peter Lucas

"People sleep safely in their beds because rough men stand ready in
the night to do violence to those who would do them harm"
-- George Orwell