Petra Hildebrandt wrote:
> ian > wrote:
>> I have been reading reviews of Asian Noodle Cookbooks on Amazon, and
>> can't find a way to choose one over the other.
>> Nina Simonds' Asian Noodles: 75 Dishes To Twirl, Slurp, And Savor looks
>> pretty good, but some reviewers seem to think she's simplified and
>> Americanized too much.
>> Others appear to like Terry Durack's Noodle, but their writing reads a
>> bit like astro-turf - i.e. perhaps writtne by an overeager publisher?
>> Jacki Passmore's The Noodle Shop Cookbook seems to have the same
>> limitations as Nina Simonds'. (Passmore wrote an Asian Ingredient
>> Dictionary that I often refer to, so I know that she knows her stuff.)
>> So, has anyone had good experiences with these or any other
>> noodle-specific cookbook, or any other cookbook that includes a hefty
>> number of noodle recipes (that they would recommend)?
> Bruce Cost; Big Bowl Noodles and Rice
> The Wagamama Cookbook
> (to add a few more to the list
> Petra
Thanks for responding - I had just about given up!
I was in Dublin recently, and saw a follow-up book by, I think, Hugo
Arnold again with a similar name. I'd not heard of Wagamama before, but
the distinctive name stayed with me. The book looks interesting, and I
will check it out - and the Bruce Cost one too.