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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Parboiling Ribs before barbequeing them.

Abe wrote:
>> BOB wrote:
>>> "The Usual Suspect" > wrote in message
>>>>I had a time conflict the other day, and had to do some BBQ'd ribs. I
>>>> parboiled them, then grilled them and they came out fine. I used
>>>> stock, and let them simmer in the marinade and seasonings that had
>>>> already been on them overnight .
>>>> This might work for future ribs. Any opinions?
>>> You ain't no moosmeat.

>>Now, *this* is moosemeat.
>>Warning: roadkill, but *inside* a car. Amazing.

> OUCH! Tore a line from front to back.

Isn't that something? How lucky was the driver? Wow.

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