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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Oysters alive when you eat them?

notbob wrote:

> On 2007-07-21, Zippy P > wrote:
>>Hi, just wondering if oysters are still alive when you eat them. Raw
>>oysters I'm talking about.

> Since it's not a good idea to eat raw oysters if they are dead, yeah,
> they're pretty much alive. Of course, you have to remember that since
> you just ripped them, body and soul, from their shell, their lifelong
> home, in an agonizingly painful manner, they are most likely in their
> death throes just as you are popping them into your mouth to crush out
> the last remaining life they have on this Earth. Enjoy!
> nb

I love raw oysters with a dab of hot sauce but hate the screams you hear
when you crush them. YMMV
