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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Trader Joes has the best cheap wine.....

On 2007-07-21, PeterLucas > wrote:
> Unless someone over there with some sort of oneology background wants to
> disagree with you.......... then you're on your own kiddo :-)

I'm surprised by the date on that article. Charles Shaw wine was
quite a sensation when it first hit the market, years ago. But,
lately it's not what it used to be. When it first came out, it was
pretty darn good for the price and the alcohol content was at least
13.5%, indicative of sweeter grapes. Today, it's down to 12% and a
good batch is a rarity. I used to swear by the stuff, but rarely
drink it anymore, depite TJs finally opening a store in my town.
