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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default How to get rid of a "stink" in the fridge?


> On Jul 19, 7:55 am, Peter A > wrote:
>>In article >,
>>>On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 14:46:36 +0200, Chatty Cathy
> wrote:

>>>>We have two fridges. One big, one small. Keep the milk, cream, butter,
>>>>juice etc. and a few "overflow" items in the small one. There must have
>>>>been some milk or cream leaking in the smaller one at some point that I
>>>>didn't notice - until I could smell that awful "sour milk" smell when I
>>>>opened the door. Anyway, I pulled everything out and, lo and behold,
>>>>there was some "rotten" milk solids at the very bottom of the fridge -
>>>>hiding under the "vegetable trays". Yuk! So I scrubbed it all out with
>>>>various "disinfectant" products (that are available here) yesterday, but
>>>>I can still smell it every time I open the door. Double-yuk. Now what?
>>>>Do I empty the whole thing and try and find space for the milk etc. in
>>>>the other fridge, switch it off and leave it open for a few days, or...
>>>>Any other ideas?

>>>Open a box of baking soda and leave it in the fridge. Replace it once
>>>in a while. My mother always did this.

>>Waste of baking soda. See
>>Arm & Hammer really flummoxed millions of people with this one,
>>including me until I learned the truth.
>>Peter Aitken- Hide quoted text -
>>- Show quoted text -

> Except it actually works.
> Works on smells carpets in cars too..

Especially if you use it as either a scouring or absorbent compound,
meant to be rinsed or swept away. Just sprinkling it around or leaving
an open container of baking soda in the area does little or nothing.
And I've been cautioned against using any sort of powdered preparation
on carpet. Abrasion between carpet fibers and retained crystaline
cleaning solutions accelerate wear.

I my self have gone entirely to enzyme cleaners for clearing up
biological stinks. Works way better than baking soda, vinegar or
dancing widdershins around a lightning-blasted oak at midnight on Samhain.