Rare steak
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Posts: 383
Rare steak
> On Jul 19, 6:44 am, Scott > wrote:
>>When a steak is cook rare or medium rare isn't the pink meat in the
>>middle not good for you since it appears to be not fully cook? That's
>>one of the reasons I always order my steaks well-done. And if they bring
>>it to me with pink in the middle I send it back.
> Meat has no pathogens in its flesh unless it came from a sick animal
> and even then the muscle meat that we consume would not normally be
> contaminated. Contamination in grinding meat for hamburger or sausage
> comes from spills from the intestine during slaughter. If the
> slaughter process is not done well the carcass could be contaminated,
> then meat from that contaminated carcass when ground up mixes the
> contamination throughout the ground meat.
In plain english, bacteria live on the surfaces of meat, not in the
interior. You only need to cook the outside to eliminate the risk.
That's why the pink center in your steak isn't going to hurt you.
It's ground meat that has to be cooked through to eliminate bacteria
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