Thread: ZUCCHINI ??
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Felice Friese Felice Friese is offline
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Posts: 537
Default ZUCCHINI ??

"<RJ>" > wrote in message

> Besides the usual bread recipes, what do YOU do with zucchini ??

Try these before you leave that excess zucchini on your neighbor's porch.


2 medium zucchini
1/4 pound fine egg noodles
2 tablespoons butter
salt and pepper
1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil

Cut zucchini crosswise into 1-inch chunks, lengthwise in halves, crosswise
into 1/16 slices and lengthwise into 1/16 slivers. (If done, right, each
sliver will have some skin and will be the about the size of the cooked
noodles. Or you can just say "Screw that!" and use the 2x2 julienne slicer
on your Cuisinart.) Cook noodles until tender. Meanwhile, saute zucchini in
butter until just done, and add garlic and basil. Add drained noodles, salt
and pepper to taste, and stir well to blend. Serve with grated Parmesan.


2 pounds zucchini
4 tablespoons flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
white pepper
3 large eggs
3/4 cup cream
6 ounces Swiss cheese, grated

Halve and core zucchini. cut into 1-inch pieces. Boil 5-8 minutes or until
tender. Puree in processor until smooth. Sprinkle flour, salt and pepper on
top; mix well. Add eggs, cream and cheese; mix well. Pour into buttered
gratin dish. Bake 45 minutes at 350 or until set and lightly browned on top.
Let rest 10 minutes before serving.
