Thread: A Bottle
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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default A Bottle

Sheldon wrote:
> Message in a Bottle
> Americans spent more money last year on bottled water than on ipods or
> movie tickets: $15 Billion. A journey into the economics--and
> psychology--of an unlikely business boom. And what it says about our
> culture of indulgence.

I don't buy bottled water. I can't figure out why I didn't think of
bottling and selling it ages and ages ago... I'd be a gazillionaire by now.
Memphis water is from natural acquifers - artesian wells, if you will. I
understand some places have really nasty tasting water but that isn't the
case here. So why people spend so much money on bottles of water I've no
clue. When I fly I take a plastic bottle with me and fill it up at the
water fountain at the Memphis International Airport. It's free <G>