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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Trader Joes has the best cheap wine.....

On Sat, 21 Jul 2007 16:08:57 -0700, Mark Thorson >

>I disagree. I've tried lots of $5-$6 wines,
>and I think Charles Shaw beats most of them
>most of the time. I particularly like their
>Sauvignon Blanc. I don't think it can be
>beaten for less than $10.

Yes, it can. Easily. Their Sauvignon Blanc is abysmal. Too sweet,
too oaked, at least to my taste. I much prefer the Sauvignon Blancs
from New Zealand and South Africa. And Trader Joes sometimes sells a
much better Sauvignon Blanc from South Africa called Zarafa, for under
$4/bottle. Try that one some time, if they have it. It is a really
good food wine for the price.

And here in NM, I can find a decent Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand,
in one of the bigger bottles. I think Red Cliff is the name, but I
don't have the bottle in front of me right now. The price for that
one is about $13, but again, it is one of the big bottles.

Both the New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs and the South African ones are
not overoaked, and many times not oaked at all. That makes for a very
versatile wine, and one that is a good match for food. And they have
a really nice acidity.
