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Paul M. Cook[_1_] Paul M. Cook[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 554
Default Trader Joes has the best cheap wine.....

"Christine Dabney" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 21 Jul 2007 16:08:57 -0700, Mark Thorson >
> wrote:
> >I disagree. I've tried lots of $5-$6 wines,
> >and I think Charles Shaw beats most of them
> >most of the time. I particularly like their
> >Sauvignon Blanc. I don't think it can be
> >beaten for less than $10.

> Yes, it can. Easily. Their Sauvignon Blanc is abysmal. Too sweet,
> too oaked, at least to my taste. I much prefer the Sauvignon Blancs
> from New Zealand and South Africa. And Trader Joes sometimes sells a
> much better Sauvignon Blanc from South Africa called Zarafa, for under
> $4/bottle. Try that one some time, if they have it. It is a really
> good food wine for the price.
> And here in NM, I can find a decent Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand,
> in one of the bigger bottles. I think Red Cliff is the name, but I
> don't have the bottle in front of me right now. The price for that
> one is about $13, but again, it is one of the big bottles.
> Both the New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs and the South African ones are
> not overoaked, and many times not oaked at all. That makes for a very
> versatile wine, and one that is a good match for food. And they have
> a really nice acidity.

Gotta agree, Ausie wines are often dirt cheap, typically 5-8 bucks for
brands like Yellow Tail, Lindemans and Black Swan, and are incredibly good
even at double the price.
