Thread: Sunday Brunch?
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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default Sunday Brunch?

Ophelia wrote:
> >
> > I am. I was up at 7 am and had my usual Muffets,

> What's a muffet?

Muffets are spu wheat biscuits like Shredded Wheat but round instead of
elongated. I used to have Shredded Wheat until a few months ago when Post
came out with a new format box that looks as big at front as the old 24
biscuit size but contains only 18, but the same price as the old 24 box.
They taste almost the same.

> > pie out of the oven just because the time goes off. I have hard a
> > hard time convincing her that the timer is a reminder to check it and
> > doesn't mean it is done. I have had too many undercooked pies in
> > that past because of that misunderstanding. If she makes a good
> > enough brunch I might forgive her to that :-)

> LOL my ex used to turn the oven down thinking he was saving gas!!

:-) They need to have their fingers slapped. I can't count on pies
always cooking in a predetermined time. They need to be checked. It is
obviously better to check early and allow more time that to leave it and
find out it was in too long. I have had a number of pies ruined when I
made the mistake of leaving her to take them out while I did something
else. The pastry is pale and the fruit is undercooked. yech.

FWIW..... I was out on the patio having brunch and hear the timer go. I
checked it myself, determined it needed 5 more minutes. She took it out
when the 5 minute timer went and it looks good.