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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default Why don't we speak of potatoes?

Pandora wrote:
> Here in Italy are not eatable!!!! I say the truth! About 20 years ago they
> were very good to be fried. Now they are very soft and you can't do anything
> with them, Neither Gnocchi! I Am thincking seriously to order them from
> Germany.
> And you? What do you tell me about your potatoes?

I think that a lot of people don't really know enough about the different
types of potatoes to use for different recipes. They are not completely
interchangeable. I confess that I am not all that careful about them
because my wife does not eat potatoes and I eat rarely eat them, maybe once
a month. I do enjoy nice small new potatoes, and I try to have some Yukon
Gold on hand because they make good fries. However, I noticed when
travelling in Europe that they seemed to be more particular about the
potatoes they use in dishes. At one dinner in Denmark there were two
different servings of boiled potatoes.